


Adult glioblastoma


Paediatric high-grade glioma


EU initiative for understanding cancer


Magnetic resonance imaging 


Standard of care




Tumour treating fields


Project domains

The GLIOMATCH project consists of eight closely aligned and fully intergrated work packages (WPs) in five main domains: 1) data handling, 2) clinical study, 3) technology development, 4) social sciences and economics and 5) dissemination, exploitation and organisation.

Work packages

Each WP is led by one partner who is responsible for ensuring that the WP is on track to meet its objectives. All partners contribute to several work packages, as shown below.


The eight WPs run in parallel and are interconnected, as shown in the PERT diagram on the right. WP1 and WP4 serve as the foundation for UNCAN-compatible data. Within WP2 and WP5, patient data are retrieved, newly collected, harmonised, and then integrated into WP1 and WP4. Data analysis and mapping are conducted using omics and AI-based technologies before WP5 and after WP2, respectively. The research and outcomes of WPs 1-5 are continuously evaluated in WP6, focusing on the ethical, legal, social, and economic implications of the proposed new immunotherapeutic approach.

To facilitate acceptance and raise awareness of the GLIOMATCH solution, WP7 engages all stakeholder groups, including researchers, healthcare funders, patients, patient advocacy groups, and policymakers. This work package ensures the proper dissemination and communication of the project and its results to both expert and non-expert audiences, while paving the way for future exploitation of the findings.

Finally, WP8 sees KUL coordinate and manage the GLIOMATCH project, supported by a dedicated innovation manager at KUL’s Technology Transfer Office. WP8 ensures collaboration with other initiatives and the EU Cancer Mission network to maximise outreach and impact.